Dental Care in Memphis TN
- Doctors Network 719 Franklin Ave Brooklyn NY 11238
- (866) 800-3168
- Dental Offices Near Me in Memphis, TN
We are operating between the hours of 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM Eastern Time on week days.
About Us
Doctors Network (, a unique healthcare startup, is making access to affordable healthcare possible for patients while providing value for dentists and physicians.
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Dr. Pooria Shahin D.D.S.
Dr. Pooria Shahin, a dentist for adults, founded and runs Doctors Network, which is an online dentist and physician search tool that makes affordable dental coverage possible.
Dr. Pooria Shahin D.D.S.
Cosmetic and Adult Dentist at 1st Impression Dental
- Phone: (866) 800-3168
- Send an Email
- Brooklyn Dentist 719 Franklin Ave Brooklyn NY 11238